Natasha's Ultrasound Scans and The Bump

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12 Week Scan

13th November 2006. It's a baby - and just the one, (thank goodness).

mini Beer 12 week scan photo 2


20 Week Scan

22nd January 2007. It's a girl.

mini Beer girl 20 week scan


28 Week 3D Scan

6th March 2007. This is Natasha and we don't know much about her yet except that she's good at kicking her mum - usually when she's in bed.

3D ultrasound of Natasha   3D ultrasound of Natasha   3D ultrasound of Natasha

These are computer-interpreted approximations created from the ultrasound data. In reality, Natasha's unilateral, left-sided, complete cleft lip and palate extends from her nostril through her gum and is about the width of her nostril.


video screenshot

3D scan video clip (3.4 Mb)


mini Beer- The Bump

at 4 weeks, 16 weeks and 36 years.

Claire's tummy - not pregnant at allThe BumpSteve's beer bump


visiting Sara, Joshua and Hannah Brown, 21st April 2007

and with only 5 weeks to go.