
Friday 10th January 2025
Wednesday 15th January 2025:
Romain Carles Romain Carles' Birthday.
Thursday 16th January 2025:
Helen Lewis' Birthday.
Monday 27th January 2025:
Jason Hubbard's Birthday.
Friday 7th February 2025:
Kati Beer Katarina Beer's Birthday.
Tuesday 11th February 2025:
Alex Goodall's Birthday.
Thursday 13th February 2025:
Hester Ethell's Purple Birthday.
Friday 14th February 2025:
St. Valentine's Day (eurgh).
Thursday 20th February 2025:
Tamsin the dog's 6th Birthday.
Monday 17th March 2025:
St.Patrick's Day.
Thursday 20th March 2025:
Lily Beer Lily Beer's 22nd Birthday.
Monday 24th March 2025:
Sara Brown's Birthday.
Sunday 30th March 2025:
Sam Blount's Birthday. British Summer Time begins GMT+1 clocks go forward one hour. Mother's Day (UK).
Monday 31st March 2025:
Jane Bass' Birthday.
Tuesday 1st April 2025:
April Fools' Day.
Tuesday 8th April 2025:
Marion Carles Marion Carles' Birthday. Chrystelle's Birthday.
Saturday 12th April 2025:
Matthew Bass' Birthday.
Friday 18th April 2025:
Good Friday Bank Holiday (UK)
Sunday 20th April 2025:
Easter Sunday (Western)
Monday 21st April 2025:
Easter Monday Bank Holiday (UK)
Monday 28th April 2025:
Chrissie Blount's Birthday.
Monday 5th May 2025:
May Day Bank Holiday Monday (UK).
Sunday 11th May 2025:
Nila Nila Carles' Birthday.
Wednesday 14th May 2025:
David Pigram's Birthday.
Wednesday 21st May 2025:
David Jones' Birthday (not celebrated in England).
Sunday 25th May 2025:
Mother's Day (France).
Monday 26th May 2025:
Spring Bank Holiday Monday (UK).
Tuesday 27th May 2025:
Oma's Birthday.
Wednesday 4th June 2025:
Simon Duffell's Birthday.
Saturday 7th June 2025:
Louna Carles' 7th Birthday.
Monday 9th June 2025:
Natasha Beer Natasha Beer's 18th Birthday. Steve Beer Steve Beer's Birthday.
Sunday 15th June 2025:
Father's Day (UK).
Wednesday 18th June 2025:
Gilles Carles Gilles Carles' Birthday.
Saturday 21st June 2025:
Summer Solstice (Longest Day).
Tuesday 24th June 2025:
Andrew Brown's Birthday.
Wednesday 25th June 2025:
Jonathan Pigram's Birthday.
Sunday 29th June 2025:
Andrew Lewis' Birthday. Vicky Hubbard's Birthday.
Tuesday 8th July 2025:
Sofia Carles' 9th Birthday.
Wednesday 9th July 2025:
Heather Heather's Birthday.
Sunday 20th July 2025:
Emma Howden's Birthday.
Wednesday 23rd July 2025:
Caroline Jones' Birthday.
Saturday 26th July 2025:
Simon Beer's Birthday.
Wednesday 6th August 2025:
Nicolas Touquet's Birthday.
Sunday 10th August 2025:
Marc and Anna's 29th Wedding Anniversary.
Monday 25th August 2025:
Summer Bank Holiday Monday (UK).
Friday 5th September 2025:
Ace Grace Albury's Birthday.
Monday 22nd September 2025:
Heather and Steve Beer Steve and Heather's 20th Wedding Anniversary (and 30th anniversary).
Tuesday 30th September 2025:
Marc Beer Marc Beer's Birthday.
Wednesday 1st October 2025:
Zoe Beer Zoe Beer's 15th Birthday.
Monday 6th October 2025:
Claire Claire's Birthday. Christabel Daugherty's Birthday.
Thursday 16th October 2025:
Paul Selwood's Birthday.
Wednesday 22nd October 2025:
Leny Leny Carles' Birthday.
Sunday 26th October 2025:
British Summer Time ends - clocks go back by one hour.
Friday 31st October 2025:
Sunday 2nd November 2025:
Sarah and Paul's Wedding Anniversary.
Wednesday 5th November 2025:
Sylvia Reynolds' Birthday. Bonfire Night (UK).
Sunday 9th November 2025:
Adam Hewitt's Birthday.
Tuesday 11th November 2025:
Greeba Daugherty's Birthday.
Wednesday 19th November 2025:
Neil Daugherty's Birthday.
Monday 24th November 2025:
Adam Blount's Birthday.
Tuesday 25th November 2025:
Ruth Beer Ruth Beer's 25th Birthday.
Friday 28th November 2025:
Richard Richard Riley's Birthday.
Monday 8th December 2025:
Anna Beer Anna Beer's Birthday. Ian Pull's Birthday.
Thursday 18th December 2025:
Emma Hewitt's Birthday.
Friday 19th December 2025:
Frank Daugherty's Birthday.
Saturday 20th December 2025:
Max Riley's 8th Birthday.
Sunday 21st December 2025:
Winter Solstice (Shortest Day).
Wednesday 24th December 2025:
Christmas Eve.
Thursday 25th December 2025:
Christmas. Bank Holiday.
Friday 26th December 2025:
Boxing Day. Bank Holiday
Wednesday 31st December 2025:
New Year's Eve.
Thursday 1st January 2026:
New Year's Day. Bank Holiday.
Friday 2nd January 2026:
Idris Carles' 6th Birthday.
Monday 5th January 2026:
Susie Collins' Birthday.
Thursday 8th January 2026:
Nick Pigram's 50th Birthday.